Wolverhampton Health Related Behaviour Survey (HRBS)
The Health Related Behaviour Survey (HRBS) has been completed every other year in Wolverhampton schools since 2006. The most recent survey was completed in 2024, when over 12,600 pupils from 70 local schools participated. The survey is completed anonymously online at school. There are several age-appropriate versions available from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 5 together with bespoke Special School versions.
The survey covers a wide range of health related topics, including emotional health and wellbeing. Each school that participates receives their own report that compares their findings with the Wolverhampton average. The data can be used by schools to inform whole school approaches to health and wellbeing.
The findings of the 2024 survey are also available to the public online through a Public Health executive summary report and a range of thematic reports covering emotional health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, safety, substances and gambling, relationships and sexual health. These reports outline trends over time and have a focus identifying inequalities amongst vulnerable groups of young people based upon an analysis of the data.